February is a very busy month for DCCPTA. We are working on a lot of exciting events to finish the school year. I am happy to inform everyone that our Presidents’ and Principals’ Luncheon will be in person this year! We will be back at UNF’s Adam W. Herbert University Center and doing a Vendor Fair before the luncheon. More information regarding ticket sales will be coming soon!
I hope everyone has elected their Nominating Committee for officers to serve for the 2023-2024 School Year. Please remember that you need to have either 3 or 5 people to serve on your committee and not someone who did last year. Even though an office may be a 2-year term, the nominating committee must ask the officer to serve a second year. The committee should report their nominations for officers at your April Board of Managers Meeting and hold your election at your last General Meeting. The officers’ names should be shared with your general membership 30 days prior to the election. This can be done in your newsletter, Facebook Page, and email, whatever way you get your information out to your members.
Please remember that SAC Meetings and PTA Board Meetings can not be held together. Both are separate entities of your school. We are seeing on marques local units are combining these meetings and PTA Board Meetings are only for your Board of Managers. When renewing your bylaws, the 2 Year Term cannot be changed to a 3 Year or more nor can your bylaws be amended to reflect this. Florida PTA will not approve bylaws that have that 2
Year Term edited.
Many of you have asked what PTA’s stance is on AP African America Studies. Carolyn Nelson-Goedert, Florida PTA’s president put out an Immediate Release on this on January 31st. If you did not see this release, please let me know and I can forward it to you. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is also working on a statement on this subject and we will be getting this
out to our local units.
I will be doing more President’s Round Tables each month so be on the lookout for Zoom Links for this. The last one was great with all of the information shared between local unit presidents and I was requested to do more of them.
February is Black History Month and I look forward to hearing what your local units are doing to celebrate this! I enjoy seeing all of the events you post on Facebook!
Thank You For All You Do for All Children!
Kay Hawkins
President, DCCPTA