Florida PTA Requests That Governor Vetoes Bill 7069
Please contact you state legislators on the Schools of Hope bill this week, from “Fund Education Now”. This email gives you important talking points .
Urge House & Senate to oppose “Schools of Hope/High Impact Charter Networks” 4-26-17
Duval County Public School Legislative Link
Please explore the Duval County Public School link to get additional information on how the legislation will affect the schools in Duval County. http://dcps.duvalschools.org/Page/10830
HB5103, HB5105 & SB376 File Library
Legislative Agenda
Legislative Initiatives Link
PTA News from the Capitol
Review and take action on this important education Bill 376.
Take action on this important education issue. Action needed now! Take action on Florida education bills – March 4 update.
Action needed now! Take Action .