Important PTA End of Year Audit Questions

By:  DCCPTA TreasurerAccounting
May 21, 2016


Question??? Who should be on the audit committee?

Answer— Three non-check signers must be on the audit committee.


Question??? When can our annual PTA audit be conducted?

Answer— Audits must be completed after June 30 when your fiscal year ends.  Complete your audit by September 30, although much earlier is preferred.  No financial activity can occur from July 1 until after the audit is completed.

Question??? What annual PTA audit form should I use?

Answer— DCPS has a newly revised audit form that Florida PTA will accept DCPS Annual Audit Report Form.  So you can use this form for the state and DCPS bookkeeper.
Florida PTA does have its own form that will be in the 2016 Treasurers Kit of materials, most likely will come out later in the summer.  You will only receive the kit if your PTA has registered your officers for next year with Florida PTA.  For last year’s form sample Click Here.  Your school bookkeeper will accept the Florida PTA form as long as you include all of the information from the district form on it.

Question??? As a Duval PTA treasurer, who do I need to submit our annual PTA audit forms to?

Answer–A signed copy of your PTA unit’s annual audit [financial review] must be delivered to:

  1. Your school bookkeeper, must be accompanied with copy of June bank statement.
  2. Florida PTA
  3. DCCPTA Treasurer


Question??? Can our PTA spend money after the audit is completed and before the first general membership next year?

Answer— Only interim funds set aside from this year’s budget can be spent until your new budget is passed by your general membership next year.

For additional questions please email them to DCCPTA Treasurer at


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