Check out these Membership drive flyers you can post on your website or include in your newsletters during October!
Following are Hints and Tips from several local units on how to Build Your PTA Membership
Dawn Gay from Sabal Palm Elementary:
1. Have faculty and administrators on your Board
2. Survey teachers and ask what they do/don’t like
3. At the Teacher Breakfast – get teachers to sign up for PTA Membership that
day; tell them what PTA will be doing that year.
4. At mid-year, survey grade level reps on how to spend (any) excess funds;
take those requests to the principal.
Kim Sheldon, Landon Middle:
1. Solicit local businesses for donations for door prizes.
2. Use the Teacher breakfast as an opportunity for the teachers and the Board
to get to know one another.
3. Put stars (or another school symbol) on the teachers’ doors when they join
PTA. This symbol stays on their door all year.
4. Give students a discount at school events; put a sticker on their ID card to
identify them as PTA me4mbers.
5. Orientation: Most people join right then; show them the member benefits
page on the DCCPTA website so they can see all the things they can get
discounts on.
Judith Pratt, Hendricks Avenue Elementary:
1. They have had 41 years of 100% Membership!!
2. Such a record becomes an expectation in the community – also an
expectation to volunteer
3. Keep good procedure books so people have a history of what was done
Nanette Quaintance, Pine Forest Elementary:
1. Have a GOAL!! And a PLAN!
2. Take advantage of the momentum at the beginning of the year: Orientation
and Open House.
3. Motivate students and parents with small prizes with membership.
4. Reward classes that achieve 100% membership with ice cream parties, or
massages for the teacher.
5. Catch teachers at the back to school breakfast with mini-grants of $50 if they
join PTA that day.
6. Her school lowered their membership fee from $10 to $5.
7. Put (cash) donation amount suggestions right on your Membership envelopes.
8. Get Room Parents involved; have them put the number of memberships still
needed on each teacher’s door for Open House.