ONE by ONE: Student Voice

jpublic-ed-fundWhat does success look like for our youth?
Hear from them directly!
What does success look like for our youth?

Hear from them directly!

Too often, crucial public education decisions are made without the group that is the most affected by these changes: students. The Jacksonville Public Education Fund in collaboration with several local organizations welcome the nonprofit community, public school parents, teachers, administrators, community members and organizations working directly with our students into the conversation about how Jacksonville might look if all of our students had access to the resources they need to achieve their goals.

Please join Jacksonville Public Education Fund and our student presenters at one of our three regional events as we uncover ways to help our students achieve success ONE by ONE. Your perspective is needed!

Student Service Opportunitiesone-by-one-student-voice

Too often, crucial public education decisions are made without the group that is the most affected by these changes: STUDENTS! So we have created an opportunity for the community to learn what you need to be successful so that together, we can make it happen! What can you do to make sure student voices are heard?

  1. Serve as a student speaker at an event and share your definition of success. (6 service hours)
  2. Assist one of our adult facilitators in leading discussions around what the community can do to support students to be successful. (6 service hours)
  3. Come to the event and speak with important community members about how they can support student success. (3 service hours)

Event is free, but registration is required at  Participating in any of the events counts toward your volunteer/community service hours if you attend the event with a tracking sheet from your school. Contact Joan Leslie at to sign up!

Saturday, September 24

Riverside Baptist Church

2650 Park Street

9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Thursday, October 27

Johnson Family YMCA

5700 Cleveland Rd.

5:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Saturday, January 28

FSCJ Wilson Arts Center

11901 Beach Blvd.

9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Event is free and open to the public, but registration is required at

If none of these dates works for you, please reach out to Joan Leslie at to explore hosting a conversation at your house or job place. We will send a trained facilitator for it.

If you need To print flyers here are the files:

ONE by ONE: Student Voice General Flyer

ONE by ONE: Student Voice Student Flyer

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