Parent Resources

Links for Parents

DCPS Resources

DCPS Calendars

School Choice Guide

Exceptional, Disabled, Handicapped, Student Information

Parent Academy

Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC)

Other Links

A Parent’s Role in ESSA Implementation   Jul 27, 2016

Jacksonville Library System

JAXPEF report on when and why parents move a student out of their neighborhood school and how they decide on a new school.

Low Cost Internet Access If your child receives free or reduced price school lunches, you may quality for Internet Essentials from Comcast. Call 1-855-846-8376

Alliance for Excellent Education great site for the latest information and resources about Common Core, Digital Learning, and Advancements in Education New.

United Way of Northeast Florida – Resources for students and families. – School Payments Made Easy. Pay for school meals and more, anytime, anywhere from your computer or smartphone.  Create your FREE account to get started.

School Facts Jax, a free tool created by the Jacksonville Public Education Fund, to make public school information easily accessible to parents and citizens.

Health and Well Being Links will provide contacts for addiction options.

Health and Well Being Links:

 provides valuable and verifiable information on substances abuse, addiction recovery, as well as motivational success stories to help you beat or avoid addiction.
ParnershipFor Drug Free
works to reduce substance abuse among adolescents by supporting families and engaging with teens.
volunteers who are passionate about ending smoking around the world.
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