DCCPTA Statement on Important Florida Legislation Bills

This legislative season has been filled with a lot of activity and sometimes it can be difficult to keep up.  We want to help highlight some key areas of importance. With the state legislation session quickly coming to a close, we want to highlight some bills that could use your advocacy in keeping with the […]

Florida Education and Youth Legislation Links

This group of links provides a wide range of information related to national and Florida education and youth legislation.  This information can be used to keep up with the rapidly changing legislation.  Please keep informed and present your views to your legislators. Link to: The Legislative Priorities Brochure  http://floridapta.org/advocacy/legislation/advocacy-tool-kit?task=document.viewdoc&id=2431 Stepping Up: Florida’s Top Juvenile Civil […]

Florida Education Legislation Information

This group of documents provides information related to Florida education legislation.  This information can be used to support your views when contacting your legislators.  

Florida Legislative PTA News Update March 1, 2017

We are less than a week away from the start of the Legislative Session.  The following is a synopsis of what happened in Tallahassee last week: HB78- Recess Bill – the bill passed unanimously through the Senate Education Committee.  The next committee of reference is the Appropriations Subcommittee on Pre-K-12 Education.  Florida PTA participated in […]

You’re Children Need Help – Florida LEGISLATIVE UPDATE!

Florida PTA Requests That Governor Vetoes Bill 7069   http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?m=1104540460460&ca=7e6ae0d9-eabd-43c8-a2a7-4dcc9aedb45c/ https://dccpta.org/2017/05/08/florida-pta-opposes-conformation-of-bill-7069/ https://dccpta.org/2017/04/29/pta-members-take-action-now-april-27/   https://dccpta.org/2017/04/29/vitti-email-do-not-accept-house-bill-hb-5105/ Please contact you state legislators on the Schools of Hope bill this week, from “Fund Education Now”.  This email gives you important talking points . Urge House & Senate to oppose “Schools of Hope/High Impact Charter Networks” 4-26-17 Duval County Public […]

2017 Florida PTA Legislative Conference

Florida PTA has an amazing legacy of advocacy. This year’s “LegCon” attendees will celebrate the dedication of thousands of child advocates across Florida whose efforts work to make every child’s potential a reality. The 2017 Florida PTA LegCon will feature workshops on key education issues facing the Legislature, with discussions and trainings on how PTA advocates can […]

Stepping Up: Florida’s Civil Citation Efforts 2016 Report

Contact Information: Ms. Cindy Gerhardt, President, president@floridapta.org,407-855-7604, FAX 407-240-9577, www.floridapta.org September 14, 2016 PTA is the oldest and largest child advocacy group in the nation. PTA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality, by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.  “All children” includes those who are displaced, are in […]

Advocacy Resources

Advocacy Improves the Lives of Children Federal law requires equal opportunities for all children.  But with only 3 of the federal budget dedicated to education, the reality is that too many students go without. PTA is committed to ensuring that parents have a seat at the table whenever decisions are made that impact our children-at […]

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