Many PTAs are trying to improve the number of people that actually read their PTA/PTSA e-Newsletters Or e-Blasts. Industry surveys have shown, in order to get read, the email information must be:
- Most Important information first. The more scrolling down the less reading.
- Article must be direct and to the point (who,what, when, were, and how) with a link to more information for people that want more.
- Graphics to the left draw interest to the article.
- A shorter email more often is more effective than a longer email sent less often.
Here is a format I used on an every other week cycle. Example eBlast
If you have a format that is successful please share it with other PTA/PTSAs. email link to
- Here is a good e-Newsletter from Kirby Smith PTSA. They use the free “Click Here To Volunteer” website that allows them to maintain a website an e-mail list. Kirby Smith Middle School PTSA News Letter 082816.
- Fletcher Middle School uses Constant Contact Email System to send out their e-newsletter. There is a charge for the service. They provide many templates to choose from. This newsletter is very extensive, check it out
- UCF Parent Newsletter