PTA/PTSA Websites and Web Masters Info Needed

DCCPTA is complying a list of all the local PTA/PTSA websites and web masters.  If you sign up your group you will have additional technical information and training.  Please  sign up.

Review of Social Media and Websites Links

2016 DCCPTA Fall Leadership Workshop Richard Godke DCCPTA Technology Chair   Duval PTA Social Media Experts Celita Wilson Marla Bryant Sign up for: National PTA Back-to-School Kit 2016-2017 For PTA technology and communication information go to: The National PTA Kit includes:  Communications, Communicating with Members and Stakeholders, PTA Branding, Newsletters, […]

ONE by ONE: Student Voice

What does success look like for our youth? Hear from them directly! What does success look like for our youth? Hear from them directly! Too often, crucial public education decisions are made without the group that is the most affected by these changes: students. The Jacksonville Public Education Fund in collaboration with several local organizations […]

e-Newsletters Or e-Blasts Samples

Many PTAs are trying to improve the number of people that actually read their PTA/PTSA e-Newsletters Or e-Blasts.   Industry surveys have shown, in order to get read, the email information must be: Most Important information first. The more scrolling down the less reading. Article must be direct and to the point (who,what, when, were, and […]

Parent Resources

Links for Parents DCPS Resources DCPS Calendars School Choice Guide Exceptional, Disabled, Handicapped, Student Information Parent Academy Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC) Other Links A Parent’s Role in ESSA Implementation   Jul 27, 2016 Jacksonville Library System JAXPEF report on when and why parents move a student out of their neighborhood school and how they […]

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